Posts in Life Coaching
I am single, but I keep dating the same type of people who leave me, frustrate me, don’t love me, cheat on me, take my money etc.

This is a blog devoted to finding out why we continue to choose relationships that are wrong for us or that don’t bring out the best in us.  There are great topics to discuss on how to find out what is important, what we need to resolve in our own lives to help us be open to new relationships and to realize how we contribute to the success of a relationship.  Also, what does success really mean. 

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Living at a higher level

The last blog should be spiritually related without being preachy.  I would like to entitle it, “Living at a higher level”.  I want to focus on daily spiritual practice, giving instead of receiving, practicing joy, praying for others etc.

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Life CoachingNever Settle